Cybersecurity - Brute Force 2.0

2148 Registered Allowed team size: 1
2148 Registered Allowed team size: 1

This campaign is over.

CTF Challenge
starts on:
Dec 20, 2020, 07:30 AM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Dec 20, 2020, 02:30 PM UTC (UTC)


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About CompTIA

CompTIA, the world's leading tech association, is a thought leader and an action leader. From our IT professional association to our leading certification programs, from our original research to our member communities and councils, our unparalleled programs set industry standards, foster skills development, and generate knowledge and insight every day.

With our members, we’re building the foundation for technology’s future.

CompTIA Certifications

CompTIA has three CyberSecurity certification series that test different knowledge standards – from entry-level to expert. Still, exploring your options?

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